The topic of pet nutrition is becoming more and more relevant and more and more owners are thinking about how food affects the health and longevity of their dog. If you are also wondering what is behind the labels of most commercial kibble and what are the alternatives for a healthier diet, this article will give you useful information and guidance. Here you will find answers to the most important questions and find out how to improve your pet's diet.

Granulated dog food was created back in the 1860s, but its mass adoption began during the Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s. It was a time of scarcity, when people found it difficult to provide food even for themselves, let alone their pets. From then on, granules become synonymous with convenience.

Today, about 90% of the world's dogs eat them.

But why are kibble becoming so popular? The reason is simple: they are comfortable. Easy to store, with a long shelf life and available in any store. You don't need a refrigerator or special conditions – the bag stays in the pantry until the next meal.

Most granules are economically viable – not only for you, but also for the growers. They contain cheap raw materials such as rice, potatoes and cereals, additives, stabilizers and preservatives, which makes them food with minimal production costs. Sounds practical, right?

This is how an industry worth billions was born! The huge profits of some manufacturers allow large-scale investments in studies to "prove" how useful granulated dog food is. Such research is widely available online and covers almost every topic related to pet nutrition. In addition, manufacturers often fund universities and veterinary programs, which has an impact on the knowledge and recommendations of future veterinarians.

This is the reason Most veterinarians do not know the other ways of feeding well!

Think about it – if we know that foods like McDonald's and KFC aren't good for us, why should we believe that most processed foods are healthy for our dogs?

The hidden side of a large part of the kibble is associated with a number of health risks for our pets, such as tartar accumulation, food allergies, weakened immune system, diarrhea, gastritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and overweight.

The reasons for this are obvious:

1. Heat treatment destroys important enzymes and molecules in ingredients that dogs cannot digest properly

2. High carbohydrate content – rice, potatoes and cereals are cheap to produce, but unnatural for the dog's digestive system.

We have specially extracted the contents of one of the popular and advertised dog foods. In it we see in the first place: corn, dehydrated protein (these are raw materials that come in powder), corn flour, corn gluten, rice, wheat.

3. Additives and preservatives, necessary for the long shelf life, additionally burden the animal's body and pose long-term risks. Among them are found hazardous substances such as:

  • Aflatoxins, which can cause cancer, liver and kidney damage.
  • Heterocyclic amines associated with carcinogenic effects.
  • Acrylamides, which are also defined as carcinogenic by the World Health Organization.

These ingredients, although they prolong the life of the product, pose serious health risks to dogs and can lead to serious illnesses.

4. Synthetic vitamins and minerals

To meet AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control) standards, manufacturers add vitamins and minerals so they can call their food "complete and balanced." However, research shows that these supplements often cause more harm than good. The dog's body has a hard time absorbing these synthetic substances, which puts a strain on the liver and kidneys. In the long run, this can lead to serious health problems, including damage to vital organs.

5. Low moisture and protein content. Try putting granules in a glass of water and you will see how they "drink" it. Water is an important factor for all living things. It makes up 80% of the body weight of most organisms. Therefore, the high moisture content of food is important for overall health and well-being.

What do scientific studies reveal about some granulated foods?

1. A study conducted in Stockholm by Dr. Kolat shows that adolescent dogs fed with kibble initially look healthy, but after reaching maturity they begin to age much faster and develop degenerative diseases. The control group fed raw dog food BARF retained its vitality and health for a longer time.

2. Another study conducted in Belgium by Dr. Lippert using data from 500 dogs lasting 5 years (1998-2002) proved that animals fed BARF raw food compared to animals on industrial food lived on average 32 months longer.

3. One of the most revealing studies was conducted at the University of Helsinki. It examined the levels of homocysteine – an amino acid linked to cardiovascular and neurological diseases – in dogs fed different types of food. The results showed a clear advantage of raw food:

    • Dogs on a raw diet maintained low levels of homocysteine (0.17), while those on kibble had significantly higher values (1.57).
    • In dogs switching from kibble to raw food, homocysteine levels dropped dramatically from 1.57 to 0.33.

You can see part of the study here:

Our pets have become so close to us that we forget that they are another biological species and need an appropriate diet.

Since dogs were domesticated about 15,000 years ago, they have been fed naturally – fresh meat, bones, organs, whole prey, as well as some fruits and vegetables. Despite centuries of coexistence with humans, modern dogs still have an identical jaw and digestive system as their wolf ancestors. This means that their body is designed to process raw food, not processed kibble.

Let Let's get back to nature!

What is BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food)?

The BARF (Organic Raw Food) method is based on the philosophy that dogs should be fed products as close as possible to those they would consume in nature. Its content is completely different from that of granules – there are no preservatives, stabilizers or synthetic additives, only natural raw products from nature.

 The BARF (Biologically Appropriate RAW Food) diet is the most suitable way to feed dogs and cats according to their biological species. Each menu contains 70% raw meat, 10% organs, 10% bones, 10% fruits and vegetables.


Raw meat is an indispensable part of an overall healthy diet and a major source of energy. It contains proteins, amino acids, fats and water-soluble vitamins.


Internal organs are a vital part of the food of dogs and cats. Secreting organs, such as kidneys, liver, heart are beneficial ingredients in the BARF diet and provide essential minerals and water-soluble vitamins.


Soft, raw edible bones are an important component of BARF diets. They provide the necessary nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, minerals, bone marrow, natural antioxidants and enzymes.

Green tripe*

Green tripe is the stomach of ruminants in raw, unprocessed form and is the best natural probiotic. The gastric juices in it are full of digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria. They help digest food, improve metabolism, hormonal function, and strengthen the immune system.


Dogs are omnivores and need a higher percentage of vegetables in their raw diet, unlike cats, which are strictly carnivores. Vegetables supply fiber, omega 3 essential fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidants, phytochemicals and many vitamins.


Fruits in moderation are extremely beneficial for our pets. They are a complete food that is a source of a lot of fiber, vitamins A, vitamin C, enzymes, antioxidants and minerals.

All the big names in cynology- from top breeders to international referees and professional trainers – preferred to feed their dogs fresh produce.

The benefits of BARF

Smaller stools

Better hydration
0 %
Stronger appetite
0 %
Fewer allergies
0 %

The benefits of raw food are numerous and some of them are visible from the first day. Your dog will take in less water because It receives additional hydration from food. His stool will become smaller, odorless and unpleasant gases.

The appetite is incomparable to that of the granules, and Problems with food allergies and an upset stomach will disappear. Visits to the vet will decrease dramatically.

By consuming natural, raw, complete food, your dog will be in optimal health for many years to come, which you will enjoy together.

Divus offers a large assortment of varied and complete recipes, suitable for every breed and age. Our BARF menus are developed with love and professionalism by a proven team of veterinarians. We use only fresh Bulgarian meat from local farms and carefully select every ingredient we add.

Switch to BARF today!

With our Combo BARF package You will make the first step towards a healthy diet for your pet easy and hassle-free. In the package you will find everything you need for the perfect start:

  1. BARF chicken – 5 kg;
  2. Herbal mixture for good digestion – 80 g;
  3. LickingMat Divus;
  4. E-book "The Secret of Longevity for Your Dog";
  5. Guide "How to make the transition to BARF?";
  6. Guide "How to continue after the transition?".

If your dog has an allergy or intolerance to chicken, choose the Combo Transition – BARF Veal.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Дани Събева (Saint Vlas, Bulgaria)


Иван Сугарев

Дълго отлагахме преминаването към метода БАРФ. Благодарим на доктор Славчев, че ни консултира и убеди. Нори вече яде с удоволствие храната си и е по-жизнена от всякога!

Симеон Тодоров

Дълго отлагах да преминем към БАРФ, но сега вече съм сигурен какво слагам в купата на моето куче. Качественото месо, органи, плодове и зеленчуци се виждат във всеки салам. Препоръчвам постоянно на мои колеги и никога няма да се върна към гранулите.

Ангел Маджаров

Добре че вече има ветеринари, които да препоръчат суровото хранене. От много време търсех кой да ме консултира. Благодаря на д-р Славчев от "Национална Ветеринарна Клиника" за експертното мнение. Суровата храна на Дивус реши проблемите на моя кавалер - постоянни обриви, лоша козина и възпаления.

Инес Симеонова

Горещо препоръчвам на всички познати. Качеството на суровините е уникално. Кучето е щастливо и чака с нетърпения порцията, след което 5 мин. не спира да ближе купата. Благодаря ви за времето, което ми отделихте и изчерпателните отговори на моите досадни въпроси 🙂