BARF Calculator
BARF Calculator
The daily ration of BARF is determined by several factors:
1. AGE
The daily ration of BARF has an inverse relationship with the age of your pet. For example, the daily intake of an adolescent dog at 2 months is about 10% of its own weight, and in an adult dog it is only 2.5%.
An adult dog or kitten consumes between 2-5% of its own weight, depending on the movement and duration of the walk:
❯ Low activity - about 1 hour per day
❯ Average activity - between 1-3 hours a day
❯ High activity - over 3 hours a day
If your pet needs to change its weight, multiply the percentage by the optimal kilograms it needs to maintain.
Example: Your dog is an adult, weighs 30 kg and has an average activity.
If he needs to lose weight by 5 kg without changing his activity, his daily ration will be 750 g.
( 25 kg * 2.5% = 750 g/day)
* We recommend dividing the daily ration into at least two meals.
How much should I feed my pet?
My pet is:
Recommended daily amount of DIVUS food
Recommended amount of DIVUS food per day if you do not want to change the weight of your pet.
Recommended daily amount of DIVUS food
Recommended amount of DIVUS food per day if you do not want to change the weight of your pet.